
Target audience

Local group’s breeding wardens in the SV. The training courses are open to all members interested in the breeding and upbringing of German Shepherds.


Only the valid breeding warden license (in combination with a signature sheet issued by the responsible federal group’s breeding warden) entitles the already voted local group’s breeding wardens for the acceptance of litters. The acquired knowledge is indispensable for a competent consultation of the breeders and members in the local groups regarding all questions about breeding and upbringing.


Part 1: General part

Psychological basics 

Insurance regarding the dog 

First aid to dogs 

Legal basics 

Structure of the SV 

Part 2: Cynological basics

The nature of the dog

Breeding and upbringing

Alimentation and health

Anatomy of the German Shepherd 

Part 3: Expertise part breeding 

The breeding warden: Tasks, rights and obligations

Breeding shows and breeding licensing

Descent and identity

Hereditary diseases and their prevention 


Full of age and valid membership in the SV. Affiliation to the federal group that realizes the seminar. Basic knowledge in anatomy and biology as well as in training.


Written expertise knowledge exam at the end of the course. The questionnaire contains 10 questions each in parts I (General part) and II (Cynological basics) as well as 30 questions in part III (Practical part Breeding) from the SV’s Handbook of Cynology.

The handbook of cynology is available to our members free of charge in the protected area of the homepage (my-sv/infothek/sv-akademie).


SV breeding warden license with certificate, valid for four years.  A refreshment course is required to extend this term.