Archive news

11.11.2016 - 11:45 Uhr

Annual report for 2016

As of now the forms for the local group’s annual reports are online. Please notice the closing date of your regional group.

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03.11.2016 - 07:50 Uhr


From 5. to 6. November this year’s Bundesfährtenhundprüfung took place in Thale. Our congratulations to the winners!

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25.10.2016 - 11:56 Uhr

Payment membership fee 2017

Here you find the information for payment.

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17.10.2016 - 08:00 Uhr

Agility-SV-Meisterschaft and Bundesligafinale

From 15. to 16. October 2016 the Agility-SV-Meisterschaft and the Bundesligafinale took place in in Ketsch (LG12).

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04.10.2016 - 09:15 Uhr

WUSV World Championship 2016

From 5. to 9. October the WUSV World Championship 2016 took place in Meppen.

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22.09.2016 - 09:00 Uhr

German National Herding Trials 2016

From 23. to 25. September the German National Herding Trials 2016 took place in Kassel.

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19.09.2016 - 09:44 Uhr

Our Team for the WUSV-World Championship in Meppen is confirmed.

Germany will be represented by:

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15.09.2016 - 08:41 Uhr

Bundessiegerprüfung IPO & Agility

From 16. to 18. September the Bundessiegerprüfung IPO & Agility has taken place in Oberhausen.

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07.11.2016 - 08:00 Uhr

German Championship Obedience

On October 30. the 10. German Championship Obedience will took place in Bruckmühl.

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07.09.2016 - 10:36 Uhr

22. IRO-World Championship of rescue dogs

From 21. to 25. September 2016 the 22. IRO-World Championship of rescue dogs will took place in Turin (Italy).

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05.09.2016 - 07:37 Uhr

Bundessiegerzuchtschau 2016

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26.08.2016 - 08:29 Uhr

1. German Championship in Rally Obedience

From 27. to 28. August the 1. German Championship in Rally Obedience took place in Kassel.

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