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Agility-SV-Meisterschaft und Bundesliga-Finale 2016

Ketsch (LG 12)

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Agility-SV-Meisterschaft and Bundesligafinale

From 15. to 16. October 2016 the Agility-SV-Meisterschaft and the Bundesligafinale took place in in Ketsch (LG12).

Radio contribute to the WUSV-WM

Team classification

Here you find the team classification of the WUSV world championship in 2016.


The winners

We congratulate the winners of the WUSV World Championship 2016 in Meppen.

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From the press

The WUSV World championship in the daily press.


Also on television is reported about the WUSV World championship.

WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft 2016

Meppen (LG 04)