Important information on the breeding groups competition

Dear Breeders,

Today, we would like to inform you about a novelty in terms of the breeding groups competition on the occasion of the SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau (BSZ).

The delegates to the SV-Federal Assembly in 2023 decided that a breeding group must consist of a minimum of three dogs and a maximum of four dogs. This change aims at making the competition more attractive again, and encourage as many breeders as possible to register for the participation.

A breeding group showcases the breeding activity of each breeder, embodies his or her kennel, his or her breeding objectives, and is thus a very special highlight in the life of each breeder.

*Therefore, dear breeders, be proud of your breeding achievements that you obtained and present your kennels to the audience of the BSZS. Make this competition resurge again and become what it deserves – namely the highlight of our SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau BSZ*

Thank you for your attention and very truly yours,

Bernd Weber, SV-Breed Warden
Marco Oßmann, Member to the organizational team and repeated participant at the breeding group competition