List of breeders in the locality of Schweinfurt

6 breeders within a distance of 20 km found

Kennel: vom Ice Punch

Bahnhofstr. 19
97529 Alitzheim
Puppies for sale Puppies for sale

Kennel: von der Schmiede

Werntalstr. 25
97464 Oberwerrn
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: von den Franken

Schulstr. 40
97534 Waigolshausen
Currently no puppies for sale Currently no puppies for sale

Kennel: vom Spitalfeld

Reichelshof 1
97526 Reichelshof
Currently no puppies for sale Currently no puppies for sale

Kennel: vom Kaiserhaus

Höhenstr. 8
97688 Bad Kissingen
Currently no puppies for sale Currently no puppies for sale

Kennel: of the Bavarian Dream

Märzgasse 2
97711 Maßbach
Currently no puppies for sale Currently no puppies for sale