List of breeders in the locality of Schwandorf
8 breeders within a distance of 20 km found
Kennel: von der Piste Trophe
Kreither Str. 8
92421 Schwandorf
92421 Schwandorf
Puppies for sale
Kennel: vom Wackerland
Grafenrichter Str. 11
92442 Wackersdorf
92442 Wackersdorf
Puppies expected
Kennel: von Black Crusade
Fronberger Str. 15
92421 Schwandorf
92421 Schwandorf
Puppies expected
Kennel: von der HAUGSHÖHE
Haugshöhe 10
93142 Maxhütte-Haidhof
93142 Maxhütte-Haidhof
Currently no puppies for sale
Kennel: von Auerbach
Linsstr. 2
92536 Pfreimd
92536 Pfreimd
Currently no puppies for sale
Kennel: vom Kreithner Land
Hainstr. 6
92421 Schwandorf
92421 Schwandorf
Currently no puppies for sale
Kennel: vom Tegelweiher
Waldstr. 21
92521 Schwarzenfeld
92521 Schwarzenfeld
Currently no puppies for sale
Kennel: vom Haus Helmberger
Langäckerstr. 7
93142 Maxhütte-Haidhof
93142 Maxhütte-Haidhof
Currently no puppies for sale