List of breeders in the locality of Mosbach

5 breeders within a distance of 20 km found

Kennel: vom Haus Ola

Hubertusweg 28
74831 Gundelsheim
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: vom Elzmündungsraum

Siemensstr. 19
74915 Waibstadt
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: TEAM Gigelsfelsen

Kleiner Weg 14
69437 Neckargerach
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: vom Schloß Horneck

Bergstraße 5
74831 Gundelsheim
Currently no puppies for sale Currently no puppies for sale

Kennel: vom Michelbachtal

Zeisigstr. 10
74078 Heilbronn
Currently no puppies for sale Currently no puppies for sale