List of breeders in the locality of Laubach

5 breeders within a distance of 20 km found

Kennel: vom Eichbaum

Heerstr. 1
35410 Hungen
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: vom Team Bienenwald

Hirzenhainer Weg 4
63667 Nidda / Ober-Schmitten
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: vom Nordecker Hof

Rabenauer Str. 25
35469 Allendorf
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: vom Altenburger-Schloß

Pestalozzistr. 23
35329 Gemünden-Felda
Currently no puppies for sale Currently no puppies for sale

Kennel: Montego Bay

Untergasse 6
35460 Staufenberg
Currently no puppies for sale Currently no puppies for sale