List of breeders in the locality of Haselünne
8 breeders within a distance of 40 km found
Kennel: vom Hofe Schumacher
Großenging Poststr. 1
49699 Lindern
49699 Lindern
Puppies expected
Kennel: vom Twickelwald
Agnesstr. 4
49828 Neuenhaus
49828 Neuenhaus
Puppies expected
Kennel: vom Schwefinger Ring
Ringstr. 16
49716 Meppen
49716 Meppen
Puppies expected
Kennel: vom special Highlight
Zur Haar 2
48477 Hörstel
48477 Hörstel
Currently no puppies for sale
Kennel: vom Neuenkirchner Land
Beethovenstr. 11
49584 Fürstenau
49584 Fürstenau
Currently no puppies for sale
Kennel: van Swartenberg
Börgerstr. 15
26909 Neubörger
26909 Neubörger
Currently no puppies for sale
Kennel: vom Hörtel
Auf dem Hörtel 10
48488 Emsbüren
48488 Emsbüren
Currently no puppies for sale
Kennel: vom Nieplitz-Tal
Südesch 13
49774 Herßum
49774 Herßum
Currently no puppies for sale