List of breeders in the locality of Artern/Unstrut

5 breeders within a distance of 20 km found

Kennel: vom Finnewald

Hauptstr. 40
99636 Bachra
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: vom Haus Kaerynie

Planstr. 135
99636 Bachra
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: vom Dreiländereck

Im Tal 14
06542 Allstedt
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: vom Wolfstal

Hirtberg 9
06542 Allstedt OT Emseloh
Puppies expected Puppies expected

Kennel: vom Salzhügel

Mühlgebreite 2 a
06528 Wallhausen
Puppies expected Puppies expected